Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Starting up the blog again...we have a new puppy!

Starting up the blog again with pictures and stories of our family.  Sometimes photos upload sideways and there's no editing which is a challenge.

To get us started here is a post about our new puppy. We have a new puppy! Her name is Bowie. She is 100% adorable and loved already. So far the only time she barks is at her own reflection! Emily is responsible for her care and wellbeing and is doing a fantastic job.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Pop Pop's Visit

Selfie time!!
Pop-Pop helping Ryker make crystals fromaChristmas gift from the Johnsons!
Pop-Pop helping Ryker figure out his bakugan stuff.
We had a great time at Texas Roadhouse!
On the road together!!
The awesome zipline!!
Love this group photo!
Karsten enjoyed his Christmas combo gift from us and Pop-Pop!!
This is a special quilt that has been in the works for some time now! My Dad loves his tshirts and sadly these were unable to be worn anymore and he had asked for help getting it turned into a quilt! It was awesome that my Mom got it done when he was visiting from Texas for Christmas this year!

Tuesday, January 25, 2022


We really enjoy playing games! Board games, video games, random games! We are a pretty competitive bunch to say the least although I tend to fold under pressure which is why I won't play Risk with them. The kids are finally getting to that super fun age where they can play more in depth games. For Christmas we all got new games and we've moved most (not all lol) of our games to the shelf in the background of this first picture!

These four decided to start up a game of King of Tokyo without the parents! I was heading out the door to take someone somewhere and it was great to see them initiate a game on their own together without our input! I am looking forward to years and years of game play with all the kids!

Jacob's friend Isaac came over and they played Jacobs new Harry Potter Lego Chess that he put together for Christmas from Grandma Dierking! I would gander than concentrating at our house is rather difficult as it's always loud and crazy!

The epic RISK game that required not one but 2 game boards for all the players. Needless to say I don't think they finished but alliances were made and broken this night!

Let the fun begin!

Before the RISK game there was a game of Tokyo!

Gotta love CATAN! We have the expansion so we can play with up to 8 players....yes we have played with all 7 of I don't want to do it anytime soon again! One little at a time is about what I can handle!

New Years Eve we split into two groups so the games were more manageable. We had one table for Rummikub and one table for King of Tokyo. Our table was definitely more sophisticated and mature...that other table was WAY too roudy!

Rockband...Michael and I have had this game since our college years-so going on 20 years (yikes)! The kids LOVE it and we love playing along.

The littles received Beyblades for Christmas and allowed the bigs to play...I honestly think they have had more fun with them! Pop Pop even got into the fun!

Here we are playing one of Michael's Christmas presents on New Years, the new CATAN-Game of Thrones! It is a great version with enough of the classic game but enough tweaks to make it a new game!

It finally snowed!!!!

I think I have a computer that can hopefully keep up with photos and videos again. I am WAY behind but I hope to add random old pics as I go so the blog will not ever be in order again but at least I am moving forward on posting again! My goal is to post at least once a week. The kids LOVE to look through the photos to see themselves in their younger years! Here are some photos of the kids during a January snow. The sledding was wonderful for the kids. I stayed inside cozy and warm.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Mud kitchens!!!

Staying home for months on end leads to all kinds of random ideas!!! Unfortunately I didnt take a before pic of the mess of trees! The kids love their kitchens! Megan helped spray the poison ivy, cut branches, mulch, and more! Jacob helped weed and keep me company! 
Goodies for the mud kitchens! Gotta love dollar tree!

Rykers tree is on the left and Emily is on the right!

Karstens tree before!

So much work!

Emily keeping me company! Megan took over sawing for me as I was not loving it!

Emily took this nice pic!

Selfie time!

Love the creativity of our kids!!

Weeeee! They made their own swing from random rope!

They each picked their color to paint! Getting the pallets were an adventure too!