Monday, December 31, 2007

Poor Megan...

Megan had to get her second flu shot today and Daddy had to go to work, what a crummy day! Here is one of her many faces of the day! She's looking at the camera like..."are you kidding me"!
Here is our whole outfit with jeans, pink sparkly shoes, and a pink onsie from our friends from AR. Thanks for all the great clothes!

Dad and Susie's Visit

Dad and Susie are visiting from Texas this week. It's been a lot of fun to have them around, lots of good food and company!
Here are Dad and Susie boxing on the Wii. What fun.

G-Dad and Megan posing for a quick picture before bedtime.

Here we are enjoying some floor time with Megan.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas everyone! If this is your first time looking at our blog, Welcome! We like to post lots of Megan pictures, everything from her cute smile to her taking toilet paper from one side of the house to the other. There is a spot on the bottom of each post for you to comment if you choose.

Megan and Daddy looking so cute in their Santa hats!

Here we are at the Michael's parents celebrating Christmas, we are playing Mario Party on the Wii, what fun! Even the kids are having fun with it!

Megan is an expert player, she gave the Wii remote lots of shakes which was great for the game because you can taunt other player with a little shake!

Cheeeeese!!! Look at all of Megan's teeth!

Here is Megan looking cute as can be for Christmas Eve church service! She just love posing for the camera...sometimes!!

Winter Wonderland!

Here is Megan's first time experiencing snow (last year she was too little). She really enjoyed it and didn't want to come inside. As you can tell she's all decked out in her winter garb! Michael's dad made a sled run in their field and everyone had a great time sledding at their Christmas party. Megan will get her chance next time...maybe!

Megan wanted to walk and walk and walk, luckily she has a great Daddy to help her!

Friday, December 21, 2007

A few more Christmas pictures!

Here we are being silly on the floor, of course one of her favorite toys is the remote, even though she doesn't get to watch tv except occasionally, what can you do!

Megan clearly is not in the picture taking mood! But here is a fun picture of our tree and stockings!

Ahh, on the floor again!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Megan's Christmas Pictures!

Instead of getting Megan's pictures professionally taken, we decided to set up our own photo frenzy. Michael's parents put up their tree early and set up several different scenes for us to do this, thanks for all your help! We ended up taking over 100 pictures! Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

More Megan

Megan decided to walk by herself down the driveway. Everyone else headed over to feed the cats! With her coat on she waddles, it's so cute!

Daddy finally caught up with Megan to bring her back toward the house! Of course first he pretended to look like Megan with her big coat on!

Doesn't she look so grown up!