Megan is certainly growing up. She has officially given up the paci, as I mentioned in the last post it just kind of happened because Michael couldn't find where I had placed them but it seems that she is just fine without them! The potty training is going well, she's in big girl panties everyday with pull-ups/diaper during nap and at night. She is finally talking more and more. She has always understood a large amount of words and it's fun to hear her say them now and start making sentences...and demands of course! More than anything she just looks bigger, her legs are so long now it's crazy!
The first four pictures below are taken at the park after it rained the day before. Megan and her cousins had a blast! Megan loves the swings and not just for herself, she wanted to have Jessi, Mommy, and Grandma all swing with her! She is still a very cautious child but it's fun to see her become less so. The other day she pushed me away at the playground!
Michael and my mom surprised me with an early birthday present, Mom watched Megan for the weekend and Michael and I went to St. Louis. We visited 2 malls including St. Louis Mills Mall which was amazing, it had everything from an ice rink to go karts to unique stores! We also went to the casino and Michael won $100 which paid for the trip which was wonderful and of course a lot of fun! Today we wanted to spend some time with Megan and we took her to a great park and she had a ton of fun with the rocks but most of all playing in the creek getting her feet wet and throwing rocks!
The last picture is of Megan playing in the beans. For work I have a bean container for the kids to play in, it's become one of Megan's favorite things to do. She usually just plays with the shovels and cups but today I guess she had other plans! She was playing with Daddy because this is certainly a no-no with me!