Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Megan's First Day of School!

Here is Megan on her 1st day of school! She started kindergarten last week and absolutely loves everything about it. She even named a boy she wants to marry because he gave her fruit snacks! She has math homework every night and looks forward to the alone time with mom/dad to do it
For the first day the parents were asked to stay and they were only there for an hour and a half. The next 2 days were half days and now it's all day everyday. For this first day they started with puzzles and then did the various stations. She was a little unsure in this picture but I think it's because of the puzzles...and maybe all of the parents with cameras!
Her favorite station by far was of course painting. I think she has picked this station everyday and continues to say she's going to be an artist!
The math station was playing with the sorting bears...she traced the letter N with her bears.

The play kitchen station was also a big hit! Our neighbor is also in this group in the class with her and both girls are together in the mornings before school for a walking group so we hope they become close friends!

More Randomness!

Megan adores her sister Emily. I am really hoping this continues when Emily is getting into all of Megan's things and following her like I've been told little sisters do!
Jacob absolutely loves anything to do with driving. He can't say drive but he makes his car sound every time it's time to get out of the car so he can drive. So we decided to let him try Mario Kart...and of course he loves it! He also tried a regular Mario game and learned how to move forward and jump...except that he would jump himself too, it was hilarious and I really hope to get it on video!
Daddy also adores Emily!
She's learned how to ham it up!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


The two newest additions to the family! Tink and Trixie love to play around all of the time. I continue to be traumatized by them jumping on me but I think everyone can agree they are a nice addition! far the more active playful one. She is constantly egging the other one on and she is definitely in trouble more often!
My post haircut picture and 10% weight loss picture! I've now lost a total of 26 lbs. so far!!!

Megan's 5th Birthday!!!

Megan celebrated her 5th birthday party about a month ago. Wow it's been a crazy busy month but I plan to get back on track with blogging! She loved everything about turning five. This is the first birthday we had someplace other than our house. For a year she has talked about having her birthday party at "Leapfrog" the local bounce house place. She finally talked us into it and we enjoyed it as much as she did! We had the party on a Sunday and the place was pretty empty so the kids had a blast! Jacob loved it as well. All of the kids Megan invited showed up and she was so happy about that!

The day before this party Megan actually had her first overnight with a friend...and it was out of town! Her friend Schyler had tickets to the Noah's Arc show in Branson and had a condo for the night and Megan went with them. She had a blast and did just fine without mom or dad there!

Megan at the top of the big slide!
Present time! She opened presents faster than ever because she wanted to go play! Notice Jacob in the background shoveling cake in!
Singing Happy Birthday!
Tinkerbell Cake
The kids helped to mix the frosting for her Tinkerbell cake!
Megan coming down the slide...not so gracefully!