Friday, July 13, 2007

Miss Megan!

Here is the best shot of her teeth so far! She has 2 on top and 2 on bottom.

We like to teach Megan silly things that really aren't useful but are fun. For instance her first word other than dada and mama was poof (for her puffs she loves to eat) and then boom. In the past we have also taught her to take her paci from our mouth (our mouth on the handle part) and stick it back in her mouth, this was really cute until she spied her cousin's paci and went straight for it! So here is our latest silly antic-we've taught her to make the babababa sound by banging her hand against her mouth while saying baaaaaaa. It's just too cute! Here is a picture of her doing just that.

More silliness!

Here is Megan playing the How Big? So Big! game that she loves.

1 comment:

Miriam said...

Hey lady! Looks like we're both roaming the internet this Saturday morning! : ) To put the video on your blog - open a YouTube account (it's free) - add your blog onto your account - and then go to your blog and paste the embedded address (appears to the right of the video on the YouTube page) in your compose box. It will look like what a picture looks like - all coding.