Sunday, November 18, 2007

More Fun Food Pictures!

Megan loves using her spoon and fork. She is really good with her spoon when the food is easy (like pumpkin...which she loves). However, it's not so easy with applesauce as you can see in the following pictures. Her lovely artwork is in the background as well! She continues to grow like crazy. She can now understand sooo many words, she's just choosing not to say any! It's amazing the words she understands, such as umbrella, peacock feather, balloon, sit down, shoes, coat, and the list goes on and on. She can even clean up her own messes, when she spills water we say to clean it up and she goes to get a bib and wipes it up! Now we are just waiting for the words to come along!


Miriam said...

Wow!!! I can't believe how fast she is growing up! Does it seem fast to you? I can't wait until I get to see you guys in person again - I'm sure I'll be amazed at Megan's new talents and abilities!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
How come I never get any of these great pictures to put in my picture frame. Looking forward to seeing you soon.