Friday, January 25, 2008

Megan's Rocking Chair

This rocking horse has a long history. My grandpa (my Dad's Dad) made one for each of us grandkids when we were little. I am told that I played with it quite a bit as a kid. My mom managed to keep this through all of our moves, I didn't really think too much about it. Over time it was pretty beat up with a dog chewing on it and such.
Well, last Christmas (Megan's first Christmas) she received this as a gift. My Mom brought it to AR and hid it in the shed when she came to visit when Megan was born. My dad came for a visit during that same timeand when he was here the following week he took it back to TX with him. He sanded it down and repainted it and brought it with him when he came for Christmas that year. So needless to say I was quite surprised by the whoel thing! Of course Michael was in on it too. He kept a really good secret! Here are a few pictures of Megan on the rocking horse and just being goofy!