Thursday, April 10, 2008


As some of you know my stepdad Clay passed away March 27th. I wanted to post a few pictures of Clay. The first picture I just love because him and Megan have the same expression on their faces. The second one is a Christmas photo with mom, Clay, and Megan. The last one was from their wedding. His death came as quite a shock to us all. He entered the hospital on Tuesday and passed away on Thursday. He had acute necrotizing pancreatitis which comes on sudden with no warning signs.
Some of the things I've learned while going through this process. My faith as a Christian continues to strengthen. I have no doubts about where Clay is at now. Before this I was jittery about death and my death and what happens, now I am at peace with it all, I don't feel anxious when I think about it. Organ donation is something I was indifferent to before this, now I am 100% sure I want to be an organ doner. I know that when people tell my mom "If there is anything I can do let me know" I know they are geniune but I will have a hard time saying this in the future. I now know how important it is to take to make sure it's okay to come over and then while being over ask to do the dishes, make a meal, etc.
We will miss Clay and his jokes and smiles but I know he is in a better place.

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