Friday, September 18, 2009

Waaaay Overdue Update!!!

We have been so busy lately but that's no excuse (sorry Dad!) We've had a church picnic, Tour of MO, preschool potluck, date night, Megan's first movie, and much more! This past weekend Michael parents watched Megan and she loved it, she says she wants a cat now though because they have barn cats and kittens all the time! My mom volunteered to watch Jacob and we took full advantage! Friday we took Jacob to the JC Jays football game and had a great time. He went to sleep in the SleepyWrap until the crowd went crazy for a touchdown! On Saturday, we went out to Prison Brews for a beer and pretzel and then we went to see Transformers 2. We had a wonderful time and really felt relaxed! Yeah for Jacob being an easier baby! Of course the next day was a bit hard to get back in the swing of screamy kids!

Sleeping sweetly at grandma and grandpa Dierkings house. We were planning to leave earlier than usual but Jacob had other plans as he konked out while I was reading a story to Megan! He grabbed the soft blanket and snuggled until he fell asleep, it was so sweet!

Here we are at the preschool potluck dinner at the park. Jacob looks especially large here! He is in tennis shoes for the 1st time! He wears size 4 shoes at 6 months!

Here is Megan at the same potluck, she is collecting rain in a cup and getting soaked herself! She is starting to form friendships at school and all the kids seem to like her, I heard "Hi Megan" from a boy today when I dropped her off and the teacher said her and 2 other girls are playing a lot together.

Preschool picture, she willingly smiles for me if I take her picture before preschool!

Daddytime! Michael is so good with the kids. He is entertaining both kids here!

Megan being a sweet big sister, reading to Jacob before bed!

Jacob starting to try and crawl. Right now he can get from sitting to the crawling position and then lunges for objects!

His favorite new activity. He loves to stand up while holding onto something, he has even started shuffling his feet to move from side to side (a little). It's a little overwhelming when I start to think about him really taking off. He doesn't seem to fear much when it comes to exploring, he will stand holding on with one hand and sometimes no hands (until he loses his balance and tumbles!)

Here is a random picture of Megan going to preschool (I think her 3rd day). She was bringing snacks that day and was excited. She is really growing up on us!

Ahh, Megan's first official ride. She rode the barrel train at the church picnic and loved it. For those of you who know Megan this was a huge milestone. She has really changed this summer from being afraid of everything (and screaming to let you know it!) to starting to try new things.

I tricked her and asked if she was excited to be at the church picnic, then snapped the picture, a true smile! Jacob in the background just chilling!

The official first day of preschool picture. She was super excited! Of course she missed her first day of preschool because she was sick (only the 2nd time in her life to vomit and of course it landed on the first day of preschool!). Anyways, she worked really hard on her preschool bag they gave us to decorate. She has a ton of handprints on it with sparkly jewels!

Random picture from Tour of MO that came through town a few weeks ago.

Tour of MO, Megan liked it, Jacob screamed when it became really loud. You would think I would remember that about kids but I continue to be surprised!

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