Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Eve!!!

Wow, where did the year go? I still need to go back and add several pictures from the previous month but these were loaded onto the laptop which makes it much easier to get to the blog updated! We had our pictures taken mid-October and I got the CD last weekend. There are so many good ones, I chose a few favorites to put on here and I will probably add more when I have more time! Christmas cards are going to be late this year...again, but this is something everyone is probably used to!

Jacob and Megan are getting along great still. Jacob is starting to get into all of Megan's things, and Megan is learning where to hide her favorites! Megan is in her first year of preschool and loves it, she especially likes going in the gym to play on the tricycles. She was referred for speech so we are waiting for that ball to get rolling. I didn't realize it was a problem until the speech pathologist screened her at the preschool so we'll see what happens! Megan continues to love the outdoors and would never come in if we let her.

Jacob is a beast. He is all boy and is barreling into being a toddler, he crawls faster than I'd like, he is cruising everywhere, pulling up, and letting go, no steps yet but soon. He is also babbling all of the time, he says ahhhh, dadada, mamama, bababa, rarara; his favorite being dada! His absolute favorite thing to do is take a bath, I end up completely soaked and he crawls all over and splashes, his baths last only a few minutes and I always feel like I need a drink afterwards!

Michael is working for the state. He stays busy with that and the kids of course! He cancelled his World of Warcraft subscription because there just isn't enough time. He is the greatest, he is the most patient person I know.

I am working for PAT and loving it. I still struggle balancing work and home since I work out of our home but I think it will always be a challenge! I managed to take a little time lately to read a Jodi Picoult book and I am hoping to read more over Christmas break.

Merry Christmas!!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Pictures from Sue!

We have been busy as always. Megan and I enjoyed the Nutcracker this past weekend, a birthday gift from Pop-Pop! She loved it and watched the whole thing, even when another kid kept trying to play with her.

Jacob is finally starting to feel better, he's been sick a lot lately. He's changed a lot in the past month though. He is loving games like peek-a-boo and soooo big. He loves to take his lovie and put it over his face and pull it down for peek-a-boo, his giggles are super cute! He is also crawling away really fast when I say "what are you doing?" He continues to babble dadada and rarara. He is also cruising and taking risks with balancing on his feet. Poor Megan keeps putting things up higher and higher to keep them away from Jacob.

We put up our Christmas tree and those pictures will hopefully appear here soon. Until then, Sue took pictures at Thanksgiving of the kids and our family.