Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Snow Day with Mommy!!!

Lately we've been experiencing a lot of snow days where school has been cancelled! Of course it's nice to have these "bonus Mommy days" but we'll be hating it come May.

The kids invented a fun game with the tunnel...daddy holds it against the couch and it suddently becomes a slide...weeeeee, it was a 30 minute extravaganza!
Here we are playing play-doh which the kids absolutely love to do!

Unfortunately we didn't get much outside time because it was extremely cold. Jacob wasn't a big fan of the snowy wind in his face!
Jacob loves his car, he was really frustrated that it wouldn't move for him in the snow. Megan was being a helpful big sister by trying to clear the snow off his car...which actually meant Jacob was getting covered in snow!

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