Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blizzard 2011

We had an official "blizzard warning" this winter. I can't remember ever seeing this much snow! The official total was 18" but so many snow drifts were everywhere.

Here is a before picture...well as before as I could get it! We still had snow left over from the previous 8 inches the week before and a layer of ice on top of that and then the fun fluffy snow on top of that!
The snow was just starting to fall and we had a blast getting out in it, unfortunately the ice made everything slippery and Jacob didn't care too much for it!

This is part way through the storm and Megan just couldn't wait to get out there and play, she kept falling down but didn't seem to care!

Her path to the pool.

More fun Megan in the snow!

After pictures, Jacob's beloved cozy coupe car is buried!

Megan's footprints are gone and the pool is totally covered!

Michael shoveled our drive forever yesterday and this morning, the piles he made are taller than he is!

This is the after picture, the pool is almost gone, handlebars are just showing, cozy coupe car is buried! The kids can't wait to get out there but of course they don't realize how much snow there really is out there! I'm sure we will have more pictures to come from the snow that will never melt!

1 comment:

Pop Pop said...

Austin got snow last night 1-3 inches. It's also been below freezing for 3 days down to 18 degees. powwers been out, the cities shut down the roads closed I think it's a major disaster. Kind of sad isn't it or pittyful would be more like it.