Monday, October 28, 2013

Updates and Random Pictures!

Things have been super busy this month...I guess I say that a lot! Shoney and I worked together at the community center Common Ground a few weekends ago and had a great time and met a lot of great people!
Here is a picture of their social worker and myself!

This is a great picture of Shoney hanging out with some kiddos! She has such a hard job :)

Another Shoney picture!

Jacob found the super hero aisle at Target and was in heaven!

We also had a special time together at the train tracks and we were lucky enough to have 3 trains go by!

Little Miss I'm Growing Up Way Too Fast was posing for a few pictures being silly!

1 comment:

Pop Pop said...

I'm happy to see that shoney is doing so well after all her troubles. It's good to see Jacob being all boy waching the trains and wanting to be a super hero. Dose he Know the real super Hero is his DAD. Whoopps did I say that?!!! I love Emily being so cute, keep it up sweety.