Friday, June 6, 2014

Vacation Day 5

Today we relaxed a bit more and it rained in the afternoon. We started the day relaxing with eggs and bacon then set out for strawberry picking! It started out good but went quick and the younger 2 wanted to stay later! We spend a large part of the day in the pool which the kids loved!
Here is Megan happy as can be!
Emily liked finding them but not picking them!

Michael and I also had fun picking!

When Jacob later complains about not having as many pictures this is why! Every time!

I made pepperoni/Canadian bacon casserole while it rained and the kids colored, played games, and wrestled around!

1 comment:

Pop Pop said...

I want to know what you did with the strawberries. Did Michael bring any back? I am sure he ate his as he went. Probably had a sore tummy.