Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

What an amazing dad. Michael is so good with Megan. He is one of those fathers who is hands on. From the very beginning he changed diapers, gave bottles, bathes, and anything inbetween. From the moment Megan was born he has devoted his free time and energy to her. These days he gives horsey rides, colors with her anytime she asks (which is every other minute), and does everything with the patience of a saint. He is truely one of a kind. These are some of my favorite pictures of Megan and Michael, I hope they give you some insight into the great father that he is!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a dad, you should be proud. At least I am to say the least Vary proud, to have a son in law that cares so deeply about his family. And to carry on like he has through all the adversity you've faced with head up and npt letting despare drage your life down.
Your roar rocks the earth in a quiet sort of way.
With pride G-Dad