Thursday, May 27, 2010

I Spy Bottles!

This is the activity we (my mom, Michael, Megan, and I) did for the Parents As Teachers carnival. I could not have done it without their help. I think we are going to do it again next year but we'll see! Before the event Michael said "ehh" as in "don't do this to me again" but afterwards we all sat down and they agreed to help again for next year although we must have a better system!

Here is Megan sitting in Jacob's high chair helping fill the bottles. The Coke bottles worked the best but they were a pain to scrape off and then goo-gone the sticky stuff. Megan loved helping out and she was a great help, we actually kept giving her more items to fill for the assembly line!

A not-so-good picture of the empty bottle of items for I Spy, there were 17 items for the kids/parents to find after they filled it with sand (lego, bead, Q-tip, penny, crayon, etc.)
Ahh, the final product! We bought sand the night before and we were sold wet sand...we didn't know this until right before the event...grrrr after all that hard work I was aggravated because wet sand just would not work for this project. Luckily we were able to use the sand from the drop-in-play center and a few bags of dry sand that was bought a long time ago! Overall I think it was a success and the feedback I have so far is that the kids and parents are having fun finding the items!

1 comment:

Pop Pop said...

This looks like a lot of fun. I bet Michael likes drinking the soda the best.