Friday, May 14, 2010


Jacob and Megan have changes so much in the past few months. Jacob can now say about 7 or 8 words and he uses his hands to tell us what he wants too! He understands what we say, especially when it relates to going bye-bye or outside...or Megan of course! He climbs everywhere and once he's on the couch he gets a huge smile on him face. His newest skill in spinning in a circle over and over until he falls down...very nerve-wracking for mommy!
He loves to spike his hair with his food, this day he used mashed potatoes!

Megan decided to line her animals up after Jacob went to bed one night, they are all facing the same direction going on parade!
The kids were at the drop-in-play center one day building with the cardboard bricks until brozilla finally got his way and knocked them down (in his defense I think it was already falling)!

Grandma Dierking, Megan, and Adam peeling the apples for apple pie.
This was the first time I've seen an apple peeler and I'm in love! This thing is great!
All gone!

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