Sunday, August 8, 2010

Megan Soccer Star!

For Megan's birthday Pop-Pop gave Megan soccer lessons and all the equipment needed. She is very excited for practices to start and in the living room her skills on the ball are awesome! We can't wait to see what she's like out on the field!

Jacob likes to get into our cabinet with all the food. This day he found powdered sugar and had a blast, big sister went in and found him, told us but then got right in there with him!
This picture scares me. She is dressed up in high heels, policeman's outfit, and a weight in her hand! And she looks super old!
Megan completed her birthday Dr. Seuss puzzle and is proud of her accomplishment!


Pop Pop said...

Happy B-day to Magen I hope she has a blast playing socker. Start teaching her to be aggresive now it will pay off playing the game.
I love Jacob in the powdered sugar. Kind of like Magen and the t.p. you should show those pics side by side.

Pop Pop said...

Happy B-day to Magen I hope she has a blast playing socker. Start teaching her to be aggresive now it will pay off playing the game.
I love Jacob in the powdered sugar. Kind of like Magen and the t.p. you should show those pics side by side.