Monday, September 6, 2010

Megan's Preschool Days!

Megan has started her new preschool at Small Fry this year. She is loving it so far and it's a cooperative preschool so we are able to be in the classroom once a month to help out. She will have field trips and parties too! They do a special "Super Star" week for each child and Megan was lucky number one. So the first week of school she was the superstart and Mommy had to work on her poster. Our hard drive is toast so the pictures we used were mostly from Michael's mom and when Megan was a baby. I think it turned out pretty well considering!
Here she is posing with her poster.

The first day of school picture! She also has show-and-tell every Monday so she brought her flamingo for the first one and the next week she brought her piggy bank she decorated.

Megan and Jacob playing in a box. Somehow they found a way to both fit side by side in the box put this was the best picture! Who needs toys when you have a box!

Megan all geared up for her first soccer practice.

Megan's cousin Jessi came over a few weeks ago and the girls had a blast. They destroyed Megan's room taking all the clothes off the shelves so they could pretend to sleep on the shelves and they found fun pajamas to change into! It's going to be fun seeing these two grow up together since they are only a year apart!

1 comment:

Pop Pop said...

Yeeeessss, new pitures.
my goodness shes getting big and looking quite the young lady. I miss them so.