Friday, July 29, 2011


Megan finished swimming lessons this week and she had a blast with her friend Sophie. There were only 3 girls in the class and Megan did great...until one of the teachers let her go under when jumping in, she didn't like that too much and she didn't trust them after that. But overall Megan had fun and made some progress.
One evening this past week we decided to take all 3 kids to the pool, we were super nervous about it because it was 5-7 and Emily goes to sleep around 6. However, we all had a great time and all 3 kids did an amazing job. They loved it. Here is a picture of Emily hanging out on a towel after we were done...and she's still smiling!
Jacob loved getting tossed up in the air from Michael!
Picture of all the kids and Michael in the pool.
Emily just chillin'!

1 comment:

Pop Pop said...

Is Megan in over her head so to say. Her feet not touching the bottum. Is Jacob still splashing or squirting water in her face? Could it be that she is getting the hang of this swimmming thing.