Saturday, April 21, 2012


Megan is so inquisitive! She is studying all of the bugs that are in the water and ground! She brings home nonfiction bug books from the library at school and when we go to the city library!
Jacob is loving "Iron Man" and pretending to be Iron Man is even better!  He's never seen any of the super heroes on tv (except for Batman) but he's read about them and his imagination is awesome!
Jacob started speech a few weeks ago at my school and one of the perks is more time with my kiddos because I get them a little early and we play at the center!
Giddy-Up!  I have a great video of this I'm hoping to upload soon!
After Luke's birthday party Jacob was konked!
Emily playing with the letter toy she got for her birthday!
Shoney in my office pretending to be human!
I took the kids to Leapfrog and they had fun!  Emily is loving bouncing!
Here she is trying to get higher to get back into the bounce house!

1 comment:

Pop Pop said...

Good grief they are all growing up so fast. Except Shoney she looks about the same.