Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Ask and you shall receive! Here are a few Emee (one of her many nicknames) pictures!
Here she is carrying around her favorite apple straws!

Emily wasn't too sure about Mommy's fun ponytail idea!

Puzzle master is doing 50 piece puzzles by himself now and now officially has the same size foot as Megan!

Playground update! Roof pieces and the slide are left!

Cute picture of the two youngsters playing together! The power of 3...any 2 kids together are perfect...when you add the third it's not so good!  Emily loves anything Jacob loves so naturally she plays trains a lot!

1 comment:

Pop Pop said...

Such a smily little girl. I feal sorry for her future boy friends they will always have to contend with really big brother. Dad's not the problum brother is.