Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Squirmy Wormy!!

This past week the kiddos enjoyed an awesome birthday present.  Basically they first had to mix the solution, then squirt another solution into it to make these worms. They really got into it making worms skinny, fat, long, short, etc!
Jacob enjoyed the worms as much as Megan!

This was a fun game Megan's new teacher sent home. They read a book in class, then made monsters with a hole for the mouth, colored and cut out several words with pictures (cherries, ham...). To feed the monster she had to say the word and a word that rhymes. She had a blast with the game and really enjoyed playing it over and over!

Jacob made this track all by himself. He is quite the track and puzzle master these days! And yesterday he looked at his name and pointed to each letter saying what they were, it was great!

Progress pictures to come! We finally have received the correct cargo net for the playground.  Saturday Michael worked on it all day and now we only have the roof (which is a bit challenging!) and the slide.  The kids have enjoyed it already and we can't wait for the project to be complete!

More wormy fun!

Megan is so into science!  She loves everything about it.  When I asked her the other day what she wants to be when she grows up she said I want to be 2 things, an animal doctor and someone that goes to explore in the jungle...when I asked what her favorite one was she said the jungle!

1 comment:

Pop Pop said...

My My all kinds of goods things going on. It seem (and is most inportant) that Magen is doing well in school WOO HOOO!! Your in big trouble Jacobs turning out just like me. Whats up with nothing on Emilly. It's about time Michael decided to finnish the play set, poor kids... I think they need to make him eat those worms, wait till hes a sleep and drop one or two in.