Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I posted these pictures while standing in line for over an hour at Dick's to get Michael's shoes for Christmas! What a crazy night of shopping, I had a blast and it was so great to go with my friend Nicole! I don't think I've ever shopped continuously for 13 hours ever before but it was worth it! 

Megan had her annual eye exam and the doctor told her she needs glasses. She is super excited about it so that's a plus! Here is a picture of the ones she picked out!

Jacob's exam is in January when the vision insurance kicks in (that's also when Megan's glasses will be ordered). Michael and I also had eye exams and we had it all planned out to switch the kids over and go home but we weren't expecting Megan's appointment to take so long! Jacob and Emily were troopers and I'm sure when we left the staff all had a sigh of relief! Jacob really wanted to try glasses on too so he had fun trying girl glasses on. He will most likely need glasses in January as well so we will be a glasses family soon!

Mom's boss gave her a giftcard to Applebees for doing a great job! Here is a picture from the night! It started out great but then after an hour and a half the kids lost it!

Thanksgiving was a nice relaxing day with lots of time to enjoy the kids! We got the Lego's out and all three had fun! Emily does a great job with the little lego's!

Ahhh, the calm before the storm picture! The good: Jacob had fun building random things with the Lego's. The bad: He didn't pick up the Lego's (I told him before he dumped them out he would have to put them away). The ugly: He refused to pick them up so his Lego's are permanently removed from the house and he's no longer able to play with Megan's Lego's. Hopefully he learned something from this but he didn't seem to care...

Megan didn't want to build on her own at first but after we refused to get involved she finally let her imagination go and she turned her beauty shop Lego set into a flying hotel!

My friend Nicole and her kids John and Allie came over for dinner and we planned our Black Friday shopping fun. The kids had a great time, especially John and Jacob because they had major boy wrestling fun, Jacob got a little beat up but loved every minute! I hope to add another picture of the kids all eating dinner together smiling from ear to ear! This picture was taken by Megan who swiped my phone, I didn't even know these pictures were on there until uploading to the blog!

1 comment:

Pop Pop said...

Let me see thats four eyes times how maney? And now you've rubbed off on me because I'm getting glasses. It's just embaressing I tell ya!