Thursday, March 14, 2013

More fun!

Stories coming someday! Megan lost her 1st tooth! Family dinner for Jacobs birthday, the hostess offered to take a pic! And free Bon Jovi tickets, Michael was a trooper and came with me the day after him expansion came out! What a guy!

Megan loved dressing up for National Lutheran Schools Week. They paired each day with a Dr. Seuss book and spirit day. For this day she had crazy hair and she said her class picked her to go up front during chapel to represent!

Her first loose tooth is finally gone! She was starting to despair because being the youngest in her grade everyone else has lost many many teeth and now she is finally in the club!

Jacob's birthday dinner at Chili's, the kids piled on top of each other while we waited and the hostess was great and asked if we wanted her to take a picture! Yea for a family pic!

A friend of a friend won free Bon Jovi tickets on the radio and couldn't go to the concert. I jumped and the chance and had planned to take along my sister in law but she ended up getting sick so Michael stepped up and went to the concert with me! It was his first official concert. I loved it of course but I love any kind of performance! By the end everyone was shouting the Living on a Prayer song, it was great fun! We couldn't have went without my mom coming over to stay with the kids which was asked at the last minute and she had to work at 6am the next day! Thanks mom!

We took this picture after the concert. Next time we are debating budgeting for the $10 a mug of beer!

1 comment:

Pop Pop said...

I love the Madusa hair. Free ticket hugh, I'm sure it was because it was a horable concert. Just had to suffer through it. Michael probbubly fell a sleep.