Monday, March 25, 2013

Random fun!

Yea for more stories!

Jacob is loving his giant legos! He started building his "trail" for his cars and made sure each one attached exactly like the one before it.

Wow, Megan has come a long way and is confidently reading now! She continues to struggle with b's d's A/I and words like was/saw reversing the order. However, she has an amazing teacher who has changed Megan this year! We are ecstatic with her effort and her grades as well. She also has the uncanny ability to memorize things (which is great for spelling and memory work!) unlike her mother who has to study and study to memorize something!

Here is a finished shot of the trail! Jacob is in motion jumping over the structure! He is a crazy jumper, he spends more time jumping than walking these days!

And this is what a total crash after spending the day with Grammy looks like! He didn't last 5 minutes in the car before the sleep took over!

Here we are enjoying new birthday legos! All 3 kiddos love to play legos and it's fun to see their play with the building of legos develop!

Different day, more table activities! This day the kids decided to make Easter pictures for their teachers.

Jacob is loving his new clothes thanks to cousins Luke and Adam. He did ask me today why all of his clothes used to be Luke and Adams...luckily he is still young enough not to care and just loves the new stuff and so do I, super thankful for hand-me-downs!

At the pet store they have Disney everything so Megan picked out a new Minnie toy for Shoney...when we gave it to her she was proud as a peacock! Then Emily came into the room and was trying to take it away because her current favorite show is "Mouse." I have to admit, Shoney is a rockstar with all of the stuffed animals/balls/toys in the house, she hasn't ruined anything in months and she has learned that if we give it to her it's if she would only learn that about toilet paper rolls we would be even better!

Emily is rather finicky about things on her when the paint got on her hands she starting saying "ewww, off please, help me, help me..."

When I tried to tell her it was okay to be messy, her words turned to cries...hopefully she grows out of this soon!

Here Emily is doing one of her all-time favorite things...watching the popcorn pop. Anytime we mention popcorn she starts chanting "ca-corn, ca-corn, CA-CORN..." louder and louder. She loves it, ahh to be the third kid! Megan didn't have popcorn until at least 4!

1 comment:

Pop Pop said...

Magen hated getting stuff on her hands too when she was yonger. That has to come from the whimpy Michael side you were never like that.