Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (#3 and #4)

Megan is in our church's children's bell and singing choir called Purest Praise and they did a beautiful job singing and ringing about our Savior on Christmas Eve was simply wonderful and we are very thankful to everyone who has a hand in helping make their performance such a success! We've been listening to the Christmas CD and practicing in the car since about October! I'm so used to the songs that it's going to be hard to go back to the radio...luckily they will get their Easter CD soon enough! After the Christmas Eve service we went home and the kids exchanged their own presents with each other and we gave them a few things from us! Apparently I took so many pictures everywhere else that we forgot to take pictures so we have 2 pictures from these 2 days to share!
The kids on Christmas Eve night in their new pj's patiently waiting to open a present while eating a yummy cookie!

Christmas morning! I can't believe we didn't take any pictures! This is our only one...Emily on her new Minnie bike that Santa brought her! She loves it! The kids loved their gifts and celebrating together. We had enough time to play around a little bit before we headed off to our next Christmas celebration!

1 comment:

Pop Pop said...

I feel cheated. At least it wasn't a picture of Michael.