Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Wow! This school year is kicking my butt!

I know, I know, it's been way too long! Truth be told if Blackboard wouldn't have crashed I wouldn't even be posting pictures now! I have 2 months until I am finished with school and I cannot wait because as I said, this semester is kicking my butt! Hopefully I can keep up a little better now that I'm at least posting a few pictures and typing!
Emily being a cute-E-pie as her new nickname insists!

This little cutie is my friend Nicole's baby. She is adorable and fun to hold...and then give back!

Here is our annual picture at the staff bbq and football game. Unfortunately a giant storm was rolling in so we weren't able to get our normal picture but this one is good.

They are in the zone!

Here we are at a soccer game (which is another reason I'm going crazy!). Megan found something bug-like and is showing it off!

Emily and her buddy McCoy are enjoying some silly games like always!

Here she is being silly while waiting for Megan at soccer practice!

Ignore my arms and just look at that bundle of sweetness on me! She konked out and I loved it!

1 comment:

Pop Pop said...

Maybe you should think about having another one?!! I'm sure Michael would be willing to give it a shot!