Sunday, July 12, 2015

Memorial Weekend at Camp Mabry

We decided to go to a WWII demonstration at Camp Mabry in Austin. It was awesome! They fired the guns, fired the cannon, the tank, and more! After they talked about everything the re-enactment started! Jacob has become completely obsessed with the military now and is certain he wants to join when he's old enough ;) Megan had a terrible time with the loud noises from the guns and although she wanted to be a part of it she actually went as far up the hill as possible and was still miserable. I didn't know she would be so effected by the noise, it reminds me of when she was younger.

The museum itself was also amazing. We spend a good deal of time there and the kids were actually very interested! And did I mention it was free (both the reenactment and museum)!!

After we got back home Jacob kept talking about a "belly bomb" and I thought he was making it up until he described this bomb in the picture above and sure enough when I zoomed in, that's what it says!

The kids were in awe of PopPop's knowledge of the history...even now they say "I bet PopPop would know!"

1 comment:

Pop Pop said...

This was an awesome day Jacob surprised me how interested in everything he became. During the reenactment I tried to get them to take Michael prisoner and put him in a Nazi concentration camp, but all they said was they don't take refugees.