Monday, April 18, 2011

Emily's First Week

Things are going well at our house so far. Michael seems to be a little under the weather but is hopefully bouncing back soon! Emily is starting to be awake for longer periods of time which is nice. She is a typical newborn waking up to eat. Nursing is going well finally, she was the hardest of the three to get the hang of things but I think she finally gets it! Jacob continues to be curious about Emily but is starting to get a little handsy with her and we just keep reminding him to be gentle. He's going to have his hands full with two sisters!

The kids decided to have a movie and snack break with a Daddy foot rest! It's been a fun week for the kids and Michael. He's given them countless piggyback/horsey rides, read books, and danced and jumped all over the house. One of Megan's favorite things to do is run up and down our hallway and Jacob and Michael also joined in this week!

1 comment:

Pop Pop said...

I think the two sisters will have there hands full with Jacob.