Sunday, August 12, 2012

Frog Fun and more!!!

As you know Megan is crazy about bugs, reptiles, and anything basically that is creepy crawly! She caught 2 different frogs last week and much to my dismay they were still alive (with no food) after a week.  Today she had planned to let them go but ended up playing with them and having so much fun. One of the frogs (the big ugly one) actually jumped back in her habitat thing.  She decided that because they were so "good" they wanted to be like pets. She had a whole explanation about how we need to bbq more often outside so she can enjoy her new "pets.' Meanwhile I'm nearly jumping out of my chair each time she brings one over to say "hi!"
Love this picture...poor frog was dangled, squeezed, dropped, and who knows what else!

The frog even had fun driving the boat!

Here it is again!

Now they are back inside the new "home" but she decided they needed to be "tickled" so she found a weed and tickled them until they jumped!  Poor things!

Emily was also very interested and was open to touching the jumpy things too!

1 comment:

Pop Pop said...

I can't wait till it gets lose in the houes and you find it in your bed. Tell Michael I want those pictures on the Blog. with a good comentairy. Yahhh for Megen!!! I'm sending her a snake.