Friday, August 24, 2012

Megan and Emily

Megan...what to do with Megan! She started first grade this week and so far says she's loving it. We really like her teacher and I love that my hours changed this year so I can walk her into class  and touch base with the teacher each day.

She was really wanting this hot pink purse but I said no...I'm so mean!

First day of school!

Megan has an actual desk this year. She's so grown up!

Megan climbing the tree at the bbq.

Emily loves anything that Jacob loves.  He's really into super heroes right now so naturally she wants to act like one too!

The girls sharing a sweet moment together!

Megan celebrating a friend's birthday at her bowling party.  Megan refused to bowl...she wouldn't even touch the ball!

Emily with her hair all curly after her bath!

1 comment:

Pop Pop said...

Some of the new Megan and some of the old Megan. I hope the new prevails. I love Emily's curls.