Monday, August 6, 2012

Megan's Bug Birthday!

Megan turned 6 this year! She is super fun right now and we've had a great summer. She is really really into bugs and reptiles and is learning everything she can about them.  So for her birthday party the theme was bugs...not pretty cute bugs but ugly yucky bugs!  All of the friends she invited came to the party and she was super excited!  Thanks everyone for the help getting things ready and for coming, it was definitely a memorable party!

Here is part of her fun bug cake...a little (or big) cake for each kiddo, Megan helped decide what she wanted-nothing cute of course! So we ended up with bees, spiders, and a green bug!

A fun place to display all of the bugs!

One of her close friends from school-Beau!  She talks about him all of the time and she was super excited when he showed up for the party. They shared a cake and were inseparable! She talks about them going to the jungle together and studying bugs! It's cute! She told me later when everyone left that for her birthday wish she wished to marry Beau...uh-oh!

The other part of the cake was two dirt cakes! Super easy, fun, and yummy!

Emily wanted to get in the fun and unwrap presents!

Megan with her buddies!

Bug stuff!

The circles getting closer and closer!

Here she is opening her fishing pole wrapped in peacock paper! She said "finally I got a fishing pole!"

After the cake and presents we headed outside for a bug hunt! All the kids got a toy snake and lots of toy bugs!

The bugs were everywhere!

More bug hunt!

Daddy and Megan putting together one of her new presents!

Arranging her new lures in her tackle box! 

She put a pretend frog in her new frog habitat!

Jacob and his friend Stella (they are 4 days apart!). We love getting them to take pictures together since birth basically! She is on the short end of the scale and he's on the tall end so together they are cuties!

1 comment:

Pop Pop said...

What a great b-day party. What a great B-Day Girl. Love the fun little cakes. looks like good times. I take it by the slide on the ground and no pictures of the play scape that ***M I C H A E L*** didn't get it put together for his poor sweet daughters Birthday party after I went through all that trouble to get it there on time. teee hee