Monday, March 30, 2020

Day 11

Well, today was the first day back from spring break! I had 3 Zoom meetings in a row from 9-12 so the kids had to work independently on their work. The first 2 meetings were smooth, by the 3rd meeting the littles were done with being patient! Megan also had her first Zoom meeting for swimming and Zoom dryland workout which she chose to do outside! Needless to say it was a stressful day back. Balancing home and work was very challenging today and my stress level was high. After a pretty big blow up I looked up my meditation app and found one called "When sh*t hits the fan" which was perfect to get me back in the right head space to handle the rest of the day! 

The kids played some more 4 square and attempted the kites on a windless day! We are looking forward to doing a family art project tomorrow! I will be coordinating and making connections with families who are worried about food. Lots of prayers for our school family.

Shoney isloving our time at home!

1 comment:

Pop Pop said...

Shoney is such a great friend, more than just a pet. If Michael could only learn from her. Particularly the fetch and sit part. Being house broken might be nice too!?