Friday, March 27, 2020

Day 8

Today was a fairly busy day! I had a really tough time going to sleep last night and was up straight through until 4:30am. I had hoped to sneak a nap in tonight but that didn't happen! After a few hours of tossing and turning I ended up ordering groceries, ordering Emilys birthday present, researching above ground pools, and the list goes on! As this Coronavirus thing continues I'm really thinking an above ground pool would be good for our water loving family! It would make summer more manageable if things continue as they are!

Today Jacob and I started sorting his legos by color! I worked in the garden while everyone played outside. Then when we heard about a stay at home order that starts tomorrow night we decided to go to Lowes for mulch, soil, a few flowers, etc! 
The littles played ball in the hallway then wanted their pic taken!
Making progress one block at a time!!

1 comment:

Pop Pop said...

If you get a pool will it be deep enough for Michael to go swimming in 8or 10 feet?!