Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fireworks...not good!

I don't have any pictures from the night but I thought I should share our crazy fireworks night. We had a great bbq dinner and had some family over. Megan was a little anxious about the loud fireworks but after I coaxed her into sitting on my lap telling her she'd be safe, she relaxed and enjoyed them. We had a great time with the little fireworks that the kids had picked out and had a few good fountains here and there. Then came our big finale...the first ball shot straight up into the air and exploded like it should...then the rest of the balls came straight towards us. The initial coming towards us wasn't so bad but the huge explosions were not good at all. Each one came straight towards the patio where we were all trying to get the kids covered and indoors. The kids were screaming, Jacob was grazed, Jon had a direct hit to the arm, and the aftermath was horrible. Megan was shaking forever sobbing saying "I knew it would happen" "I'm never doing fireworks ever again." "I'm afraid I'll have bad dreams". She was terrified. Emily was screaming and very clingy after that, when it was finally bedtime she just kept saying, "that scared me mommy" "I scared". Jacob was surprisingly the best recovered which is crazy since he actually was grazed on his back and maybe his neck. The fast action of Laura helped him get to safety. After it was all over the kids sobbed and cried. We went upstairs and with a lot of coaxing and watched the city fireworks from our kitchen window. Unfortunately this is a memory I don't think they'll forget but we are determined to not let it stop the fun in future years. I'm most worried about Megan because she already has some anxiety issues and was unsure about fireworks before this happened. We are going to try and get back out there tomorrow with a few sparklers, snakes, and poppers. I'm hoping I can eventually erase the terrified screaming from my head. Tomorrow we are going to have to step it up and take them for ice cream and some fun...maybe the pool! I will add more pictures and updates tomorrow! Crazy drama-filled end to a great day!

1 comment:

Dad said...

This is wrong!! It has been happening to you ever scine you were a child now it's happening to Magen. It's not fair and its WRONG,....WRONG,WRONG,WRONG!!!!! the most unlikely things would happen to you and I would do all posible to make sure nothinig would, use the safest most harmles things it didn't seem to matter, some how you would get hurt. I never felt so helpless. I failed it has been carried on. It seems to have a life of its own. I'm so sorry!