Saturday, July 27, 2013

Our last week of Mommy's summer

My last week off went by way too quick. I scheduled 3 doctor's appointment, 3 dentist's appointments, 3 haircuts, plan Megan's party, and then after making all of those decided to send Megan to Camp Invention (science camp). It took a village this week and I couldn't have done it without my mom, Michael's mom, and my friend Mindy!
Jacob's new favorite past time is to dress Emily up like a super hero and they run around fighting each other or bad guys!

Jacob getting his first ever checkup. The dentist was a little surprised by the severity of his overbite and unfortunately he has his first cavity and needs to go to a pediatric specialist because he wasn't a big fan of the dentist.

Tall towers!

We've rediscovered domino's at our house too so our living room is covered in domino's!

Emily and I happened to be at the Runge when they were feeding the turtles!

I stopped by my office for 10 minutes tops and Emily was happily coloring one minute and the next she snuggled up and fell asleep. This is the first time any of our kids have ever just laid down on the ground and fell asleep! Of course she didn't nap after her 5 minute power nap on the floor!

Megan and a partner made the amazing duck chucking device that was luckily chosen to go home with her partner's family! She had a blast at camp this week and although she was nervous at first being the only girl in her group she quickly got over it and dived in! I'll post a picture of her spinning machine later, it's a little scary with toothpicks spinning quickly with the use of a battery! She really stepped out of her comfort zone and learned new fun dances, made new friends, and learned so much science stuff that she's even more dedicated to her love of science than before!

As you can see their machine was the largest in the group and the only one that didn't use the green flexible stuff to chuck their ducks!

1 comment:

Pop Pop said...

Thats my Girl go off in your own direction don't follow the crowd, you can't get a head of it that way. Only run over. Unless you run really fast. Keep practising Michael!