Saturday, July 27, 2013

Yea for the PB & J!!!

Our summer is starting to wind down and we are enjoying it as much as we can!
We went to the Turtle Time at the Runge and the kids had a great time.

Life changing moment...Emily is finally eating peanut butter and jelly! We've offered it probably 4 times a week since she was eating solids and she is finally (not regularly) eating the sandwich!

And liking it!

The kids love to invent all kinds of things and this day was no exception. They invented a train and loved it! In the background is their "movie theater" which they also enjoyed!

1 comment:

Pop Pop said...

Don't ever let that imagination stop. Do what ever you can to make it grow even when they get in trouble with it. just learn to guid it. It is the greatest gift I have and I am glad to see it has caried on.