Sunday, April 26, 2020

Catching Up!

Needless to say this last week our family especially me hit the lowest of lows. We've revamped our way to learn for the next month, I've taken a few hours to leave the house alone, and I was honest with the kids about my mental health and I'm calling the doctor to make some changes. My vices/coping strategies used to be eating, alcohol, shopping/browsing fun stores, and working more than I should. I can't do these things anymore with the quarantine and all 5 kids at home. I've started to make myself strength train now and go for walks. I'm a work in progress taking one day at a time! Thanks in advance for the prayers! I think we've made it over the hump but everyday brings its own challenges!
Sending love to my families.
Sending love to my families!
So excited to find a light brite at WalMart!
Miracle...littles working together with no fighting!
Ryker chilling working on his questionnaire for future learning!
The boys got to stay up an extra hour tonight!
Rykers first Class Zoom meeting!
Ryker finally shut our closet door soall the class didnt have to look at it in the background! Shoney was extra happy to have Rykers attention and lickedhim like crazy!
The local Foster Care and Adoption place gave away personal pizza making kits!! Im getting more for the future!
Art 101...Emilys masterpiece! Can you hear her evil laugh lol!
Emilys second masterpiece!
This is my masterpiece lol. There was a really good deal on shutterfly so i put a few favorites into a canvas collage! I also found a website that will take our fb pics and put them in a book so I am going to order the last 5 years here and there as we save money from not eating out.

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