Thursday, April 9, 2020

Day 21

Today was a day I reflected on many things. I LOVE how my kids are growing closer together, playing together, and learning how to solve their conflicts. I overheard Emily coaching Karsten on how to tell Ryker he didnt like it when he was on his spot (or something like that). My Mommy Social Worker brain was super proud! 

The reward for today was to play Super Smash Brothers after their checklists were complete! I had 3 Zoom meetings today. During one of the meetings the boys were banging on my door screaming that the police were after I paused my video and audio to go find out...the police car went down our street and that was it. Except for Karsten who is terrified of the police this was scary. It brought back my memory of last summer when Jacobs firework plastic fire caught the attention of police to come check it out and when the officer came around to talk to us about it Karsten went screaming running in the other direction. Clearly we need to go hang out with some police officers more often to help Karsten know they are helpers!

Sadly today we found out that school is cancelled through the end of the year. Even though I saw this coming it really hit me hard. I cried for the first time in years. I was emotional and sad for my kids, Jacobs last year at North, Megans last year in middle school, Emily with a rockstar teacher, the littles...and for all the seniors and friends and family. It was overwhelming. And honestly staying home for the next who knows how many months is daunting. Trying to remember to take it one day at a time and that I believe with all my heart everything happens for a reason so I'm going to focus on the positives but also allow myself to feel my feelings which is something I'm not very good at! 

Tonight Michael and I left for a bit because Megan needed alkaselser (no clue how to spell that!) for a science project. It was great to set away from the house and the kids lol! I feel less emotional and ready to tackle tomorrow!

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